Snake Game (C++ Personal Project) - [GitHub]
Developed a classic Snake game using OOP, multithreading, and dynamic memory management.
Traffic Simulation using C++ Concurrency - [GitHub]
Built a C++ traffic simulation with thread-safe traffic lights and concurrency mechanisms.
Linux System Monitor (C++) - [GitHub]
Created a real-time system monitoring tool to track CPU, memory, and processes.
OpenStreetMap Path Finder (C++) - [GitHub]
Implemented shortest path algorithms (A*) on OpenStreetMap data.
YOLOv7 Object Detection (Deep Learning) - [GitHub]
Designed an AI-based license plate detection system using YOLOv7.
YouTube Video: Install CARLA Simulator on Windows - [Watch Here]
Investigation of the Effect of Vehicle Color on LiDAR-Based Detection (Academic Project)
Analyzed how vehicle color affects LiDAR reflectivity and detection accuracy.
Simulation and Thermal Analysis of Air Cooling for Prismatic Lithium-Ion Battery Module (Academic Project)
Simulated battery thermal performance under various cooling conditions using CFD analysis.